How to get here from there

The Inlet cafe is located on the water at
3 Cornwall Street , Highlands N.J 07732
the North:
Garden State Parkway; South to exit 117 (Sandy Hook Exit) to
Highway 36 East to the "Highlands Business District" jughandle
(approx. 12 miles). Use jughandle to cross Highway, proceed down
hill to second stop street, BAY Avenue, turn RIGHT onto Bay
Avenue, go 10 blocks to Cornwall Street, turn left onto CORNWALL
Street and go to the INLET CAFE.
the South:
Garden State Parkway; North, exit 105 to Highway 36. (Past
Monmouth Park) to Ocean Avenue. Turn left and follow ocean to the
Highlands Bridge, cross bridge and proceed to first stop light.
Turn RIGHT at the light, continue down Miller Street hill to Bay
Avenue, turn right onto Bay Avenue and proceed 2 (small) blocks to
CORNWALL Street. Turn left onto Cornwall Street and go to the
the West:
Take I-95 East to the Garden State Parkway North to exit 105 to
Highway 36 East. (Past Monmouth Park) to Ocean Avenue. Turn left
and follow ocean to the Highlands Bridge, cross bridge and proceed
to first stop light. Turn RIGHT at the light, continue down Miller
Street hill to Bay Avenue, turn RIGHT onto Bay Avenue and proceed
2 (small) blocks to CORNWALL Street. Turn left onto CORNWALL
Street and go to the INLET CAFE.
Take Route 522, Highway 33 or Route 537 to Freehold. Pick up Route
537 East to Highway 35 South (approx. 1 mile) to Eatontown Circle,
3/4 around the circle take Route 36 east to Ocean Avenue. Turn
left and follow ocean to the Highlands Bridge, cross bridge and
proceed to first stop light. Turn RIGHT at the light, continue
down Miller Street hill to Bay Avenue, turn RIGHT on Bay Avenue
and proceed 2 (small) blocks to CORNWALL Street. Turn left on
CORNWALL Street and go to the INLET CAFE.